Our customers confidently rely on Fabcon’s extensive capabilities to meet their demanding project scopes and delivery deadlines every day. They trust Fabcon to help facilitate “first to market” new projects as well as repeat business. Our state of the art facility and equipment allows us to meet the demands of our customer’s constantly changing needs. Fabcon has hundreds of long term customers who know they can count on us to meet their requirements, no matter how difficult the manufacturing challenge.
We are experts in custom precision metal fabrication and contract manufacturing and we extend this knowledge into the quality of our Fabcon Systems and Fabcon Creative division products. We offer extended value to fabricated products including electromechanical assembly, turn-key systems and complete supply chain integration.
We are experts in working with a wide variety of materials including aluminum, steel and stainless steel. Our one stop shop facility offers everything from engineering & design services to complete manufacturing including powder coating/ painting / silk screening, assembly, test, packaging and delivery logistics around the world. Fabcon consistently delivers the right combination of price, turn-around time, service and meticulous quality. Contact Us today and let Fabcon demonstrate our commitment to exceeding our customers’ expectations.
Equipment List
1-Bystronic 4,000 Watt Fiber Laser
1-Bystronic 4,400 Watt Bystar 3015 Laser
2-Bystronic Bytrans Extended Automated Material Loader
1-Bystronic ByTower 11 Shelf Automated Material Loader
1-LCG 3015 AJ Fiber Laser 6000
1-Amada AMS 3015 CLT 10 Shelf Automated Material Loader
1-Amada EMLK 3610NT 4,000 Watt Laser/Turret Combo
1-Amada ASR510-M 6 Shelf Automated Material Loader
1-Amada Apelio 2,000 Watt 2510 Laser/Turret Combo
1-Amada Lasmac 1,500 Watt 1212 Laser
1-Epilog Legend 32EX 75 Watt Laser

1-Amada Pega 367 CNC turret punch with auto index
3-Amada Vipros Queen 357 CNC turret punch, auto index
1-Amada Vipros King 358 CNC turret punch, auto index

1-Amada HD 1003ATC Auto-Setup Brake
1-Astro 10’ Robotic Brake
1-Ermaksan 8’ Power Bend Falcon
1-Ermaksan 4’ Power Bend Pro
1-Ermaksan 3’ Micro Bend
1-Amada 14′ HFE 220 ton press brake
1-Amada 10’FcxB 1030 press brake
1-Amada 10′ RG100 press brake w/NC9EX back gauge
4-Amada 6′ RG80 press brakes w/NC9EX back gauges
3-Amada 6′ RG50 press brakes w/NC9EX back gauges

1-Haas Super VF3 Machining Center
1-Haas Super Mini Mill Machining Center
1-Haas VF-11 Large Machining Center
1-Fadal 15XT Vertical Machining Center
1-Fadal 5020 Vertical Machining Center
3-Fadal 4020 Vertical Machining Center
1-Haas Sl20 Big Bore Lathe
1-Haas 20HP Vector Drive
1-HEM H105LA Programmable Band saw
1-Amada CS-220 hydraulic notcher
1-DiAcro 24″ x 16 ga. Slip roll
5-Bridgeport milling machines
1-Montgomery 4′ 10 ga. Plate roll
1-Cincinnati four-head drilling mach.
2-cold saws (Doringer, Startite)
1-Wilson Tool Sharper PDE53

1-Lincoln Electric R350 Robotic Aluminum welder
2-Lincoln SP-125 Plus Weld
1-Universal Robotic Flex Arm Stud Welder
1-Miller 300 amp TIG welders
7-Miller 250 amp TIG welders
2-Miller 251 amp MIG welders
2-Miller 210 amp MIG welders
2-Miller 252 amp MIG welders
5-Miller 350 amp MIG welders
1-Lincoln Electric R350 Robotic Steel Welder
1-Miller plasma cutter
1-Seedorf 170 KVA Spot welder
1-Seedorf 50 KVA Spot welder
1-Janda 30 KVA Spot welder
1-Portable Chiller

1-Conveyorized powder coating spray line
1-Manual Trolley powder coating paint line
1-Three Stage power spray washer
1-I.P.E. Motor Driven Conveyor Line
1-I.P.E. Convection Oven/800,000 BTU
1-Liquid Spray Booth
2-J.B.I. powder-coat booth
1-Cure Oven 3,700,000 BTU
1-Dryoff Oven 350,000 BTU
1-Prewash and Clarifier Tank

3-Screen Printing stations
Graphic Wrap Service

1-Amada 6-Foot CNC shear

2-Haegar 8-ton hardware press
6-Haegar 6-ton hardware presses
1-12″ Alligator squeeze

3-Burr bench vibrator tumblers

1-Romer Infinite 2.0
1-Mitutoyo Optical
1-CMM, Automatic, Sheffield Endeavor 2
Numerous Standard Electrical and Mechanical
Measuring Devices
1-Optical Inspection System, Fabrivision

1-Hino 30′ enclosed van
2-Isuzu 16′ enclosed vans
2-Isuzu 12′ stake-bed truck

Services We Provide